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About Us

Looking to meet our staff? Contact us? Find out more about our policies and procedures? You're in the right place!

Mrs. Bethany Thompson


Mrs. Thompson holds a BA in French and an MS in Library Science. Her favorite genres are fantasy and non-fiction, and her favorite children's book is Matilda by Roald Dahl.


In her free time, she enjoys playing with her daughter, reading, and beadwork.


Mrs. Laura Gillen

​Library Clerk

Mrs. Gillen comes to us from New York state. When she is not keeping the library in pristine order, she is an artist, mom, and yoga enthusiast.




Policies &


All students have library class once a week, and many will have the opportunity to work on research projects with Mrs. Thompson at different times throughout the school year.

Library books are due the day BEFORE your student's library day.

Roundtree -Tuesday (books due Monday)

Oldani - Thursday (books due Wednesday)

Chieu - Tuesday (books due Monday)

Kemper - Wednesday (books due Tuesday)

Giesler/Jenkins - Wednesday (books due Tuesday)

Haskett - Thursday (books due Wednesday)

Greear - Thursday (books due Wednesday)

Godlewski - Wednesday (books due Tuesday)

Gonzales - Friday (books due Thursday)

Lager - Thursday (books due Wednesday)

Mills - Tuesday (books due Monday)

Dyson - Tuesday (books due Monday)

Davis/Henry - Tuesday (books due Monday)


Coming soon:

Fines/Lost Books

Choice and Reading Levels

Book Care



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